Site copy for Jack, Jill, and Cover Health

Site Copy

Asset Management, Copywriting, Web Design

Samples of copy written for websites.

Site copy for Jack, Jill, and Cover Health

Site copy for Jack, Jill, and Cover Health

I wrote web copy and assisted in web design for Jack, Jill and Cover Health. This included organizational work such as creating a brand library for Cover Health in Figma, and updating Jill’s.

 Jack’s copy required the ability to summarize important medical info in a way that was fun to read.

Jack’s copy required the ability to summarize important medical info in a way that was fun to read.

 Jill Health specialized in womens’ health products, and had a different tone of voice.

Jill Health specialized in womens’ health products, and had a different tone of voice.

 Jill also required the ability to easily summarize medical info, but struck a more personal and empathetic tone in their messaging.

Jill also required the ability to easily summarize medical info, but struck a more personal and empathetic tone in their messaging.

screencapture-jill-health-acne-2022-07-21-15_17_28 (2).png